Heroes and Villains

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Heroes and Villains

The world is in peril. You will save it, or end it.

2 posters

    My villain (that i hope i put in the right place)


    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2010-09-05

    My villain (that i hope i put in the right place) Empty My villain (that i hope i put in the right place)

    Post by Agronak Sun Sep 05 2010, 09:38

    Supe Name: Razkan

    Real Name: Jason Demarth

    Age: 27

    Gender: male

    Species: Demon

    Normal Life Occupation: he is a bouncer for a local club near where he lives, due to the area he lives in he gets paid a substantial amount to keep the peace. He has worked as a bouncer there for a few years and has become a familiar face to the local club goers and his presence alone deters many scraps that would take place, he has a reputation of smashing heads first then asking after so noone wants to start fights and so he gets paid more than usual. He also has a side job that if he is paid enough he can 'get rid' of someone in the club and make it look like an accident.

    Financial Status: well off

    Super Affiliation: Baddie and aims to join a group but only one that can meet his needs

    Power: 1. Full demon form (http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://fc04.deviantart.com/fs14/f/2007/111/e/c/Demon_Lord_Eltab_by_nJoo.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.ataricommunity.com/forums/showthread.php%3Ft%3D662493%26page%3D42&usg=__BFBrDFhPT-b3d70IGBIey8buSDs=&h=675&w=585&sz=90&hl=en&start=0&sig2=JvYc0GBIwT_LuCM9pMb-Jg&zoom=1&tbnid=lsb7iXUVcmNrOM:&tbnh=119&tbnw=108&ei=GKCDTKTzJM3k4AbvnomZBQ&prev=/images%3Fq%3Ddemon%2Blord%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D530%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=800&vpy=82&dur=2677&hovh=241&hovw=209&tx=130&ty=126&oei=_Z-DTMC6DcaH4gau0JHTCw&esq=4&page=1&ndsp=29&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:0 but a more human face)
    2. he can create 'creatures' from nowhere but can only control 2 at a time and they never get bigger then a mini van but he can make one the size of a truck but is then limited to that one.
    3. he can manipulate, create and is immune to fire

    Costume: Grounded look to demon form and aerial (http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.mmofront.com/images/demon-lord-sirloth.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.mmofront.com/demon-lord-sirloth-enters-the-battlefield.html&usg=__-7s2mx1kRp1fs_ZyoZCIKji1dYU=&h=301&w=480&sz=113&hl=en&start=0&sig2=LZt1X5H6XEL6jffGWtH7sA&zoom=1&tbnid=GLDnVvpdwmDG2M:&tbnh=118&tbnw=162&ei=s6CDTNHqB6mG4gbljYzTCw&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dflying%2Bdemon%2Blord%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D530%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=282&vpy=77&dur=3646&hovh=178&hovw=284&tx=197&ty=92&oei=s6CDTNHqB6mG4gbljYzTCw&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=23&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0)

    Everyday Appearance: he is a 6ft man with an extremely short haircut, his outfit is usually a white trenchcoat over a black shirt and his jeans are black as well, he wears combat boots that are steel plated and also has tattoos covering him ranging from a flaming skull to snakes which go from the back of his neck down his back over his arms and on his chest. His eyes are unusual as his iris is the same colour as his pupil which makes him look weird.

    Personality On and Off the Streets: normally he is an easy going guy who just wants to keep the peace at the club and doesnt want any fighting but when he is in his supe form he wants nothing more than destruction and chaos, due to his demonic heritage he doesnt see things as 'good and evil' he sees emotions driving to ends and just does as he feels which often affects how he thinks about things and reacts to them differently than a normal person would.

    History: He has come to earth to simply see what it is about humans that allows them to thrive so much, he is curious about how they think and how much they've come along. He wants to experience their reactions their emotions and their opinions on things. He also wants to experience human emotions so he can better understand them and to also understand how they view good and evil. As a demon he was taught the strong crush the weak to survive but he had heard humans followed a different view and he wanted to know what that view was so he immersed himself trying to find a way to go to the humans and learn from them. when he arrived he was apalled, how could humans be so cruel as to allow places to suffer while others thrived so he vowed he would learn and one day make the world he had invisioned, whether humans want it or not.


    RP Example:
    Jason sighed as he threw another rowdy customer out, he shook his head as the drunk man spewed countless curses and threats at him and walked back to his position outside the door "this is a loooong night" he sighed again as he saw some more clubbers heading his way so he picked up the list and moved into their path "and you are?" they replied egotistically thinking they would get in no questions asked. Jason looked over the list not finding their names shook his head "no, you're not on the list" the two guys were outraged, and obviously new as they didnt know him, and tried to hit him only for jason to catch both wrists and flip them over "now i think you guys have drunk to much, i mean you miss a punch and fall down. go home before i need to call an ambulance" the two guys, now scared, nodded and ran off "when will they learn, a bouncer is there because he can do his job, not for decoration"
    Getting Ready to Leave Your Mentor
    Getting Ready to Leave Your Mentor

    Posts : 623
    Join date : 2009-12-31
    Age : 128
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    My villain (that i hope i put in the right place) Empty Re: My villain (that i hope i put in the right place)

    Post by Em Tue Sep 14 2010, 18:30

    Welcome! I'm sorry that I couldn't have accepted you sooner, but to be frank I hadn't looked much. It's always nice to see a new villain

    Well, I like what I'm seeing, so you're accepted, you'll be receiving a weakness via PM

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